The Education for All Campaign Network-The Gambia (EFANet), a civil society organization has filed a petition to the Gambia government calling on the authorities to ensure that Gambians affected by the OMVG energy interconnection project and received their benefits like their peers in other member countries.
According to Siyate Guaye, the Coordinator of EFANet the number of Project Affected Populations (PAPs) in The Gambia is to receive a compensation scheme estimated to be 2.7 billion FCFA for the loss of annual crops and temporary loss of income for perennial crops at 41.7 million CFA either in cash or kind including support for income generation activities to improve livelihoods.
However, according to EFANet the Project Affected Populations in Gambia have still not received their due compensation entitlements unlike their counter-partners in other member countries.
As a civil society coalition advocating for social justice, we are call on the Government of the Gambia and other partners to ensure that Gambian citizens receive their full and due compensation without precondition, Mr. Gaye said.

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